Bring bob sport to the next level
Aerodynamical Design
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) was used to aerodynamically develop the monobob using super computers at Sauber Motorsport. Compared to a current competition Two Man Bobsleigh, aerodynamic drag could be reduced by 8% adding stability under yaw at the same time improved safety. This was mainly achieved its unique shape, the fully integtated rear bumper and the runner covers.
Chassis design and mechanical parts
Not only the bodywork but also the mechanics were re-engineered starting from existing “best-in-class” systems. All mechanical hardware was designed using “Solid Works” CAD system to ensure perfect function, fit and ergonomics. A single composite monocoque, using no internal metallic frame, forms the heart of the bob, exactly the same approach as a Formula 1 chassis.

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